A black-swan event is considered an incredibly rare event that has far-reaching consequences and cannot be predicted ahead of time, although many may after the fact claim that it could’ve been. Examples like this are the September 11th terror attacks, 2008 financial crisis, the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and BREXIT. Having a robust system that can […]
Read moreWhen purchasing a new helmet the 3 questions you need to ask are: 1. How long will the welder be wearing the helmet? Depending on how long your welder will be wearing the helmet, you need to take into consideration the potential strain on the welders neck and eyes. The ergonomics of a helmet […]
Read more>> Excerpts from “Structure Fires Started by Hot Work” by Marty Ahrens, National Fire Protection Association. An uncontrolled fire can do terrible things: turn important things to ashes; permanently scar bodies, and end lives. No one wants an uncontrolled fire and no one wants to be responsible for starting a fire. But when you’re welding, […]
Read more“On June 27, 2003, via the coroner, the Kentucky Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program became aware of an occupational fatality involving heat stroke. A site visit was made on July 1, 2003, and the decedent’s employer and witnesses were interviewed. A 16-year-old construction company which primarily laid pipe, poured concrete, and built foundations and […]
Read moreThe other day a mobile welder was telling us that he only welds mild steel. The reason he wasn’t taking on stainless steel or aluminum jobs was that he feared getting Parkinson disease. It was a wake-up call: this is a perception welding has acquired. And it’s not a good perception. How are you going […]
Read moreThe #1 negative aspect that welders have about their job is smoke and fumes. In the winter time when the big doors closes this becomes a bigger issue; now everyone in the shop has a complaint about fumes and smoke. If no satisfactory solution is found then it lands on management’s desk. And management, (who […]
Read moreVery large companies have a Safety Officer who is constantly going over safety issues; in fact, they’ll have a highly trained staff working in safety. But not every welding company is in need of a full time dedicated Safety Officer. Regardless of the size of the shop, the authorities expect a certain level of safety […]
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