by Ron-Son’s Torch
When we were kids, magnets were our first introduction to real magic: an unseen power attracting and repulsing things.
But we were not alone in our fascination of magnets. Others smarter than us found ways to apply this power. We are seeing magnets being used for fun (roller coasters) to life assisting tools (MRI). They are still looking for ways to harness this power to help us in our lives.
Magnets in the welding industry have also improved. Here is a list of some of the new magnets and their strengths:
One of the advantages of the off/on switch is for easy cleaning of metal dust. Magnets that are constantly on make it difficult to clean them: magnets work well on clean work pieces.
This magnet allows angles from 30 -275 degrees. This works well on round or square pipe.
This magnet will allow you to work with 2 or 3 axis. Plus it works well on edges and the sides.
With this magnet you can create corners from the outside that give you a better look at the inside tack.
This magnet holds, bends and twists.
With this magnet, you can set up quickly in odd spots. Giving a strong grip on round or flat. Available in 200, 300 and 600 amp.
With an off/on switch, being light weight makes it a great tool for lifting metal.
The remote control enables the operator to turn off the magnet when it’s in places that are hard to reach.
This is great for aligning 2 sheets of steel. By using the magnet on the low sheet, you can raise it to the high sheet to do your tacking.
Great on sheet metal. You create a handle where there is none and you can drag the sheet to your preferred location.